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Practice and policy guidance 

Ceasefire Monitoring in South Sudan: 2014-2019: A Very Ugly Mission

Author(s): Aly Verjee
Series: Peaceworks, United States Institute of Peace Press
Year: 2019

Yemen: Ceasefire Project Country Report

Author(s): Júlia Palik
Series: ETH CSS Ceasefire Resources
Year: 2019

Ceasefires in Intra-state Peace Processes

Author(s): Govinda Clayton, Govinda, Simon Mason, Valerie Sticher, and Claudia Wiehler
Series: CSS Analysis in Security Policy, CSS ETH.
Year: 2019

If Half the Population Mattered: A Critique of the Myanmar Nationwide Ceasefire Agreement and Joint Monitoring Committee Framework from a Gender Perspective

Author(s): Alliance for Gender Inclusion in the Peace Process
Series: AGIPP
Year: 2018

Inclusive Ceasefires: Women, gender, and a sustainable end to violence

Author(s): Michelle Barsa, Olivia Holt-Ivry, and Allison Muehlenbeck
Series: Inclusive Security Series
Year: 2018

Additional Resources

Exploring the Use of Technology for Remote Ceasefire Monitoring and Verification

Author(s): Sarah Grand-Clément
Series: United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research
Year: 2022